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Manuel EstevezR-MaferSpottingTenerife

Manuel EstevezR-MaferSpottingTenerife
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Provozovatel: MCHS Rossii
Letadlo: Antonov An-148-100EA
Výrobce: Antonov
Registrace: RF-32815
Letiště: Tenerife Norte
Datum: 07.08. 2013 - 20:06 hod.
Fotograf: Manuel EstevezR-MaferSpotting
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Kategorie: Nákladní letadla
Zobrazeno: 1325 x

Popis: New in the database First visit to Tenerife this Antonov An-148 in scale. - THe first of the two Russian Emergencies Ministry ordered Antonov An-148-100E medical evacuation aircraft designed to transport passengers, the rapid deployment of rescue teams and medical evacuation / assistance. The aircraft has the proper name Alexander Pokryshkin in honor of legendary ace of the Second World War

Pošli obrázek přátelům! Pošli obrázek přátelům!

Víc fotek od uživatele Manuel EstevezR-MaferSpotting:

Spooky Effect /
Spooky Effect /
PH-MCT--MD11F-martinair Cargo
PH-MCT--MD11F-martinair Cargo
B767Gestair Cargo
B767Gestair Cargo
Maniobras militares
Maniobras militares
Landing To RWY-08
Landing To RWY-08

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