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Tenerife Norte in the Night

Tenerife Norte in the Night
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Letiště: Tenerife Norte (TFN/GCXO)
Datum: 28.12. 2008 - 19:30 hod.
Fotograf: Manuel EstevezR-MaferSpotting
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Kategorie: Letiště
Zobrazeno: 785 x

Popis: Annotations TENERIFE NORTH panoramic night, several aircraft in the parkin and the two trails that can be seen, corresponding to two ATR72, belonging to Binter Canarias in their respective flights between

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Víc fotek od uživatele Manuel EstevezR-MaferSpotting:

clash of the titans
clash of the titans
Yakolev YAK42
Yakolev YAK42
Long exposure
Long exposure
Heading to RWY-08 to U. K.
Heading to RWY-08 to U. K.
Cargo Plane
Cargo Plane

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